Wednesday, April 14, 2010


CONGRATULATIONS to you Nurbahaiwati !
(my mentor teach me to congratulate for every little success made every day)

For making the first step of writing the blog.
Many asked me what am I doing now.
Either on mobile phone, face book wall, gmail or even yahoo messenger.
Almost everyday I need to answer and type the same thing over and over.
Fear of the unknown made me put off the intentions for months.
After discussion with few good friends...I have
decided that blog is the most effective way to tell the world about me. it is.

To start off...
Below is the motivational scroll that I hang on the left side of my dressing table for years already.
Every morning and every moment I look at the mirror and read each word aloud while combing my hair, putting on lipsticks, choosing the right earrings or even when putting on the veil.

It inspires me a lot and glad that it helps enlighten and uplift my subconscious mind to experience every moments life either sweet, sour, salty, bitter, bad, confuse, blur, lost or even happy. That is part and parcel of life that we can`t live without.

You Can Be Whatever You Want To Be

There is inside You.
All the potential to be whatever, you want to be.
All the energy to do whatever, you want to do.

Imagine yourself, as you would like to be.
Doing what you want to do.
Each day, take one step towards your dream.

Though at times...
It may seem too difficult to continue...
HOLD ON to your dreams.

One morning, you will awake to find...
That you are the person you dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do.

Simply because you had the COURAGE...
To believe in your potential and to hold on to...

Note: It works for me and maybe it works for you also.


  1. Salam Bahai, Selamat datang ke dunia Blogger.

  2. TQVM Hamsini. Syukur kita jumpa di dunia maya ini. Many things to share. :-)
